
TT-Metalium™ is Tenstorrent’s open source, low level AI hardware SDK, getting you as close to the metal as possible for custom kernel development, experimentation, and more. No black boxes, encrypted APIs, or hidden functions.

TT-Metalium™ is great for development customers who want to customize their models, write new ones, or even run non-machine learning code.

Looking for TT-Buda™, our bottom up SDK for direct access to Tenstorrent hardware? TT-Buda™ Doc Site
TT-Metalium™ Tensor Compute 1
TT-Metalium™ is a low-level software platform for a heterogeneous collection of CPUs and Tenstorrent devices, giving users direct access to the RISC-V processors, NoC (Network-on-Chip), and Matrix and Vector engines within the Tensix Core.
TT-Metalium™ Software Layers
The figure above shows the software layers that can be built on top of the TT-Metalium™ platform. With TT-Metalium™, developers can write host and kernel programs that implement a specific math operation (e.g., matrix multiplication, image resizing, etc.) which are then packaged into libraries. Using the libraries as building blocks, various frameworks provide the user with a flexible high-level environment in which they can develop a variety of HPC and ML applications.
No Customization Required
  • Python APIs
  • Easy to Use
  • Intuitive, PyTorch-like
Lightweight Optimization/Perf
  • Batch
  • Library of Fused OPs
  • Op Selection & Parallelization
  • Data formats & Math Fidelity
  • Tensor Storage L1 or DRAM
  • Augmented Python APIs
Heavyweight Optimization
Write your own custom kernels & OPs
  • Fused Kernels
  • TMs
Go into TT-Metalium™ code
  • Write C++ Kernels
  • Understand the Hardware
  • Low-Level Optimization

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