
Looking for TT-Buda™, our bottom up SDK for direct access to Tenstorrent hardware? TT-Buda™ Doc Site

TT-Metalium™ is a low-level software platform for a heterogeneous collection of CPUs and Tenstorrent devices, giving users direct access to the RISC-V processors, NoC (Network-on-Chip), and Matrix and Vector engines within the Tensix Core.

The figure above shows the software layers that can be built on top of the TT-Metalium™ platform. With TT-Metalium™, developers can write host and kernel programs that implement a specific math operation (e.g., matrix multiplication, image resizing, etc.) which are then packaged into libraries. Using the libraries as building blocks, various frameworks provide the user with a flexible high-level environment in which they can develop a variety of HPC and ML applications.
- Python APIs
- Easy to Use
- Intuitive, PyTorch-like
- Batch
- Library of Fused OPs
- Op Selection & Parallelization
- Data formats & Math Fidelity
- Tensor Storage L1 or DRAM
- Augmented Python APIs
Write your own custom kernels & OPs
- Fused Kernels
- TMs
Go into TT-Metalium™ code
- Write C++ Kernels
- Understand the Hardware
- Low-Level Optimization