Community Highlight: Tenstorrent Wormhole Series Part 3: NoC propagation delay

Continuing the trend from part 2 of eschewing the useful software layers provided by Tenstorrent, and instead manually poking around in various address spaces, every T tile contains a 64-bit counter at tile-local address 0xFFB121F0
and 0xFFB121F8
which starts at zero when the chip is powered on, and increments by one every clock cycle. Every T tile also contains a soft-reset register at tile-local address 0xFFB121B0
; if this register contains 0x47800
then all five Baby RISC-V cores are held in soft reset, and then individual bits can be cleared to take individual cores out of soft reset (i.e. allow them to run).
With these two pieces of information, we can do something interesting: use a NoC multicast write to take one core out of reset on every tile, have RISC-V code on every tile record its cycle counter somewhere as soon as it comes out of reset, then collect and plot the results.
In order to start from a clean slate, we'll want to use a NoC multicast write to put all cores into soft-reset, specifying (0, 0) through (9, 11) inclusive as the multicast rectangle, and relying on the multicast disable row/column we saw in part 2 to ensure that the multicast only goes to T tiles:

With all the cores held in soft-reset, it is safe to send them new code. The SRAM (or, for D tiles, DRAM) within a tile starts at tile-local address 0, and execution will also start at address 0 when soft-reset is cleared, so we can send some RISC-V code to tile-local addresses starting at 0, again multicasting it out. The code will read from the tile-local 64-bit cycle counter at 0xFFB121F0
and 0xFFB121F8
, then write it to tile-local address 128

We can then perform a multicast to bring one core out of reset on each T tile:

We can't use multicast to collect the results - instead we need to perform a unicast read against each T tile in turn. That requires knowing the tile coordinates of each T tile, and said grid isn't entirely regular: it'll be disturbed by a column of D tiles, and be disturbed by a row of E tiles, and have one or two disabled rows. We can sidestep this problem by using a convenient translation feature: an X coordinate of 16 will be replaced with 0 (PCIe / ARC / D column), 17 will be replaced with 5 (2nd D column), then 18 through 25 will be replaced with the column indices containing T tiles. Similarly, a Y coordinate of 16 will be replaced with 0 (E0-E7 row), 17 will be replaced with 6 (E8-E15 row), and 18 through 25 or 26 will be replaced with whatever row indices contain active T tiles (if you need a reminder of the coordinate grid, see part 1). This allows us to easily iterate over the active T tiles:

For neatness, we can then put everything back into reset:

With T
denoting the minimum value seen in the times
matrix, I observe:

If instead multicasting via NoC #1 (by adding TLB_CFG_NOC1
result), and calling S
the minimum value seen this time, I observe:

Both sets of measurements suggest that the tile-to-tile propagation delay might be around 9 cycles, but the numbers are far from perfect. The imperfections are very clear if we plot both sets of measurements at the same time, and look at just the row containing the PCIe tile:

Going rightwards, the first tile is "T+3" and the last is "T+75", meaning 72 cycles to traverse 8 tiles. Going leftwards, the first tile is "S+0" and the last is "S+72", again meaning 72 cycles to traverse 8 tiles. However, going rightwards, the 2nd tile is "T+0", which isn't great: taken at face value it would mean that the multicast reached the 2nd tile before reaching the first, which is clearly nonsense. There is one obvious explanation for this: the cycle counters on different tiles aren't perfectly aligned - they're meant to all start from 0 when the chip powers on, but powering on is a physically complex process, so some tiles might start counting a few cycles before or after others.
If the tile-to-tile latency was identical for every hop, and we called this unknown quantity X, then what we'd hope to see is:

Regardless of what S or T or X actually are, it so happens that the average of the two expressions in each tile is (S + T)/2 + 4X
. As this expression should be the same for all tiles, we can use it to correct for the different counter start times between the different tiles. We need to assume that there is a per-tile counter adjustment, with all readings taken on a given tile adjusted by the same amount, and then set those adjustments so that "should be the same" becomes "is the same". Because I'm lazy, I'll assume that all tiles within a given column have the same adjustment, which isn't quite true, but it'll do for now. After computing and applying this adjustment, the NoC #0 measurements are:

And NoC #1 are:

The results still aren't perfect, but they're good enough for me to conclude that the tile-to-tile propagation delay is 9 clock cycles (i.e. 9 nanoseconds when the clock is running at 1GHz), and that imperfections in measurements are due to the aforementioned laziness. For tile-to-tile communication there'll be some latency to get on to the NoC, then a propagation delay for every traversed tile, and then some latency to get off the NoC. For messages requiring a response, there'll be all that twice, as after the request has done all that, the response needs to get on to the NoC, then propagate back to the requestor, then get off the NoC. For NoC reads (and presumably NoC writes-with-acknowledgement, if you use them), that response travels on the same NoC as the request, so if requestee and respondee are in the same row, the combination of request and response will have 10 tiles (90 cycles) of propagation delay, versus 12 tiles (108 cycles) of propagation delay if they're in the same column, and 10+12 tiles (198 cycles) if they're in different row and column.
That wraps up part 3. The complete code comes out to 164 lines, but a lot of it is common with part 2's 100 lines. If you're reading along, part 4 is next.