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Attention in SRAM on Tenstorrent Grayskull
Attention in SRAM on Tenstorrent Grayskull
When implementations of the Transformer's self-attention layer utilize SRAM instead of DRAM, they can achieve significant speedups.
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Tenstorrent is Continuing its Contributions to the RISC-V Open Source Ecosystem
Tenstorrent is Continuing its Contributions to the RISC-V Open Source Ecosystem
Today we are pleased to announce the release of our RISC-V Architectural Compatibility Suite, now available in our GitHub repository.
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Andrej Karpathy on Building the Software 2.0 Stack
Andrej Karpathy on Building the Software 2.0 Stack
A lot of our code is in the process of being transitioned from Software 1.0 (code written by humans) to Software 2.0 (code written by an optimization, commonly in the form of neural network training)...
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ASPLOS Keynote: The Golden Age of Compiler Design in an Era of HW/SW Co-design by Dr. Chris Lattner
ASPLOS Keynote: The Golden Age of Compiler Design in an Era of HW/SW Co-design by Dr. Chris Lattner
This week at the ASPLOS 2021 conference, Dr. Chris Lattner gave the keynote address to open the event with a discussion of the Golden Age of Compilers in an era of hardware and software co-design.
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